Issue 4
Welcome back to The BUG - your place for curated cybersecurity news! This month, we are exploring our latest articles from top voices here at Barrier, with some added exclusive content.
Let's dive in....
Are We Secure? Today’s Most Important Cyber Questions
'Are we secure?' is a question that cannot be ignored. So, how can CISOs, CTOs, CEOs, and other business leaders reach an answer?
Responding to Ransomware: The Most Important Steps
Euan Carswell, SOC Team Lead at Barrier Networks, delves into ransomware and ransomware-as-a-service, and offers invaluable insights on how companies can fortify their defences and mitigate the fallout from ransomware attacks.
United Offshore Support Customer Testimonial
As a key provider for offshore businesses, United Offshore Support recognised the need to ensure their systems and services were comprehensively protected.
Having previously worked with Barrier at another organisation, Simon Lee (Director of IT) knew that we had the skills, expertise in IT and OT, and product portfolio to make us a suitable partner for United Offshore Support.
The IASME Consortium Cyber Essentials Knowledge Hub
A central, up-to-date source of reliable information, to help answer your questions about Cyber Essentials.
Overcoming Common Pitfalls Organisations Encounter When Adopting Zero Trust
As cybercrime continues to intensify against all industries, many of today's forward-thinking organisations have turned to Zero Trust to limit their exposure to attack.
SOC-as-a-Service: The Five Must Have Features
OT: Rise of the Machines
Our Managing Director, Ian McGowan, joined the Distology Delve Live Disruptor Day Panel.
Throughout the afternoon, the panel delved into Operational Technology cybersecurity and explored the challenges OT environments face, the convergence of IT and OT, and the new opportunities this will present to the IT Channel.
Barrier at Digit Expo West
A few weeks ago, Barrier exhibited at Digit Expo West Glasgow, with our esteemed partners.
We had a great day showcasing our innovative solutions and products with our team. Our Mario Kart competition saw some competitive racing, as the fasted lap of the day was 2:07. Congratulations to the winner, who took home a Nintendo Switch!
Until next time,
The Barrier Team